Rebeccah's Inner Sanctum

Follow me on my journey through premed.

Monday, January 02, 2006

More Idiosynchracies

Ten more odd things about me:
1. I collect Ettiquette books.
2. I hate the color "melon".
3. I whistle by inhaling, not exhaling.
4. I love to put paprika and peas in my macaroni and cheese.
5. I very rarely spike a fever, even when I'm quite ill.
6. I've never gotten along well with anyone named "Blake" or "Larkin".
7. I usually wake up with a song in my head.
8. I've never had a birthday party.
9. My middle name is hyphenated: Rita-Lynne
10. I can usually control my dreams.


  • At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    these aren't idiosynchracies, they aren't behaviours, just events


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