Rebeccah's Inner Sanctum

Follow me on my journey through premed.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


In recent months I have been switching medicines for depression, changing doses and all that. Changes in seratonin levels can have some strange and sometimes deleterious effects, such as insomnia, severe mood swings, homicidal/suicidal thoughts, irrational behaviour, headaches, anxiety attacks, nightmares, even sexual changes. I have experienced all those at one time or another during the course of my quest for the right "happy pill". But the strangest side effect yet happened yesterday, after my first dose of Prozac. Within a few hours, I noticed everything appeared out of proportion: my hands looked huge, the kitchen table looked tiny, the fireplace seemed to be really far away. These proportions kept changing as I looked at things, so one moment the rocking chair looked miniscule and out of reach, and without my moving an inch, it suddenly loomed large and close (from my weird perspective). I felt like I had gone "through the looking glass", and while it was a little scary, it was also a wee bit humourous. I told my mom what I was experiencing and she was quite distraught and wanted me to immediately call the pharmacist, but I told her I wanted to wait and see if it went away on its own, since it wasn't really harmful. Sure enough, this morning everything appeared to be its proper size and distance. Although it was kind-of fun staring at the morphing furniture, I'm rather relieved.

Occasionally I get to do little things to help out at the radio station: organize/catalogue the CDs, research and print out the news stories, research new songs, and pick out the themes and questions for the weekday trivia contest. I've done all sorts of catagories, like state birds, Peanuts cartoons, coin trivia, vegetables, famous TV dads, anatomy, US presidents, and many more. I've been doing this for so long, I'm seriously running out of ideas for trivia questions. Traditionally they have to be fairly easy and all along the same theme. If anyone has any suggestions for themes and/or questions, please let me know! I appreciate any ideas you can toss my way.

As has been my custom, I will most likely post again later today. Two posts every few days is easier for me than one post every day.


  • At 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Try tanning. It boosts your melatonin levels and has very few adverse side effects as compared to drugs.


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