Rebeccah's Inner Sanctum

Follow me on my journey through premed.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hooked on A Capella

I absolutely love a capella music. I'm especially fond of contemporary/pop a capella, like U Penn Off The Beat, The Bobs, and Rockapella. Before my computer crashed and erased all my downloaded songs, I used to have 162 different a capella mp3s from the days of free, unlimited Napster. My high school had an a capella group, by audition, that sang everything from Sade to madrigals; I consider myself a talented singer, and even though I made it to the All-State Music Festival, I never got into the a capella group. It was almost entirely made up of kids whose parents were doctors and lawyers and made hefty contributions to the local arts programs. Typical rural town. I was quite upset by this; even members of the group commented to me that I should have made the cut, year after year. Well, I was wondering, what if I started my own a capella group, maybe at SGU? Then I'd be guaranteed a spot, and I could even pick and arrange the music! What a blast that would be! I was having so much fun thinking about this, I decided to make a list of possible names for an SGU A Capella group.
1. Xyphoid Process
2. Invasive Procedure
3. The Placebo Effect
4. The Waiting Room
5. The SGU Scrubs

Any other ideas? I welcome any comments!


  • At 1:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    SGU could always use some good music... hope you do form an a capella group down here. That'd be awesome!


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