Rebeccah's Inner Sanctum

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

CX717 nixes sleep deprivation

Slashdot had an interesting article today about a new drug that may help combat the decrease in mental acuity associated with sleep deprivation. According to a Reuters article, CX717 was tested on monkeys and "when the monkeys were subjected [to] 30-36 hours of sleep deprivation, average performance accuracy dropped to 63 percent, which was restored to 84 percent after CX717 treatment." Wow, that's the difference between a failing grade and a B minus, depending on the school! Good news for med students! Here's a link to articles on BBC and a more extensive one from Cortex Pharmaceuticals, the maker of CX717. I tried to post a link to the Reuters article, had trouble with the tag.


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