Rebeccah's Inner Sanctum

Follow me on my journey through premed.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


10 Odd things about me:
1. If I take my socks off, even if they're clean and I've only worn them for an hour, I will not put them back on.
2. I have a specific way in which I eat my apples, biting until there are two equal planes, then gradually eating at both sides symmetrically.
3. I have no problems with blood, vomit, urine, defecation, pus, saliva, or eating bugs.
4. Alligators really freak me out.
5. I love the smell of marigolds and hate the smell of petunias.
6. I have synaesthesia: Tuesday is bright green, 5 is a bronzed brown, and most music sounds blue.
7. Loud noises like lawn mowers, motorcycles, fireworks, gunshots, blenders, and loud music, make me highly agitated and anxious.
8. I have a pet salamander named Monroe.
9. My favorite number is 64 because it is the cube of a square (4^3) and the square of a cube (8^2).
10. My first celebrity crush was Weird Al Yankovic.


  • At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey awesome your back posting... so what ever happened are you going to SGU. Let us know!!!


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