Rebeccah's Inner Sanctum

Follow me on my journey through premed.

Friday, December 02, 2005


When my mother wants something done, she doesn't do it halfway. She has no problems making her voice heard. So I knew when she started telling me about all the crap going on at the station, she would get something done. She had a lengthy talk with the owners and apparently they are going to have an informational meeting with all the staff to quell rumors, establish communication and (hopefully) listen to suggestions. It's slated to happen on Monday, and I certainly hope all goes well.

In just a few weeks, on Dec. 23rd, one of my best friends from high school is getting married. Patsy-Jo and I have known each other since we were in junior high orchestra together. We went to string orchestra camp together and had some classes together in high school. Patsy-Jo has always been a romantic, seeing potential couples everywhere she went, and we often chided her about it. I even wrote a poem about her in our algebra class:

Ode to Yenta

Here lies Patsy,
The Yenta of Maine
Who followed our love lives
In sunshine and rain.
"The dirt on your prom night!"
She pleaded all day;
"Your last date? Your next date?
Was that you with Jay?
I'll match you, I'll break you,
I'll get you engaged!"
When secrets were kept,
Curiosity raged.
"C'mon, did he ditch you?", or,
"Did your mom see?", or,
"If you don't want him,
Then send him to me!"
Oh, yes, here lies Patsy,
The matchmaker quite.
May she be buried with
Her Mr. Right.

Pretty good, I think, considering I wrote it in seven minutes in sophomore algebra class. In case you're not a fan of Fiddler on the Roof, Yenta is the name of the meddling matchmaker in the musical. She still blushes when I mention it. I can hardly believe she's getting married! Back in high school, I was the one who usually had a boyfriend and she was always single. Now I've been single for years and she's getting hitched. I'm very happy for her though, her fiancee is a great guy and makes her happy. I'll be doing a scripture reading in her ceremony; I'll read it in English and her fiancee's sister will read it in French.

I'm so pleased to see all the comments on this blog! It's definitely incentive to post more.


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