Rebeccah's Inner Sanctum

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

This story was posted to the AP on New Year's Eve:

Apparently, the cat was paying attention when his owner tried to show him how to dial 911.

A Columbus, Ohio man was unable to call for help when he fell out of his wheelchair Thursday. But he says his cat did it for him.

Officers say the cat, named Tommy, was lying by a telephone on the living room floor when they arrived at the man's home Thursday. They had received a 911 call from the apartment, but no one was on the phone. The cat's owner, Gary Roshiesen, says Tommy must have hit the right buttons to alert authorities.

He says he had tried to teach Tommy to dial 911, using a speed-dial button. But he wasn't sure if the cat ever picked up the training.

I have always believed cats are smarter than most people understand. My cat, Ruth, is extremely smart. She is also extremely independent, which is, I think, the main reason people think cats are not as smart as dogs. When you have a smart dog, he is usually also eager to be obedient. Cats are smart enough to know they have the upper hand.

Ruth is a polydactyl: she has six toes on each foot. And she uses them to her advantage, like we use our opposable thumbs; she can pick up things, grab things, and generally use her paws like we use hands. I often quip that she is the next step in Cat Evolution. One peculiar habit is the way she drinks water: instead of lapping it like a normal cat, she cups her paw, dips it into the water, then proceeds to lap the water out of her cupped paw. She especially likes to do this with water that I'm drinking out of a glass (unfortunately). And just the other day, she started to drink my tea out of my teacup! I have never heard of a cat drinking tea. I like to think it's because she sees me drinking tea every morning, and just wants to share with me.

Bubbles, our male Himalayan, idolizes Ruth. He tries to do the paw-drinking thing, but he doesn't have the toes or paw size for it to work properly. Ezri, my brother's (annoying) Maine coon cat, is a thorn in Ruth's side. They fight every day, many times a day. They just can't get along. Ezri's been with us a year now, and they still fight. Guess it's a girl thing. But Bubbles is "friends" with both of them. Sometimes he goes in to where Ruth is sleeping, sniffs at her and even pokes her with his paw to make sure she's sleeping, and then sneaks out to play with Ezri. Ruth has caught him a couple of times, and she was NOT pleased.

One more cat story: My uncle Tony had a cat named Walter for about 28 years. Walter weighed around 23 pounds, and his belly dragged on the floor. He was so attached to my uncle, that when Tony would leave for work, Walter would go into the bathroom, stick his head in the water in the toilet, and meow underwater. o.O


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